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The writers we read this week actually have very different thoughts, despite the fact that Equiano’s work is also significant as a voice of the minority, here I will discuss the prominent difference between Wheatley and Apess.


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Jefferson’s declaration has a clear logical flow of narration and uses universal appeal as a start. When he claims that “all men are created equal,” it clearly states one view that we cannot deny, which is that we are free to speak of our minds. Secondly, he starts to use facts to prove his points, such as pointing out the wrongful acts of King George to support his ultimate point: America should be leaving Great Britain.


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In Benjamin Franklin’s work, it’s pretty surprising for me that what he values in life and wealth is kind of similar to Chinese’s thoughts. Just as Franklin says, it is best for one to be thrifty, and work hard and diligently.


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Knowing little about American History, I feel like everything I read about the “New World” is novel, surprising and fascinating. From the history of the country, the beginning of the nation to the hardship of the pioneers, these stories are actually beyond my knowledge and imagination. 


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Paradise Lost (English Edition) eBook : Milton, John, a: Amazon.fr: Boutique Kindle

  • Why should not Adam take the blame for the Fall for human beings?

Adam is the creation of a strong, intelligent male. Adam should not take the blame because he first suppressed the urge to eat the fruit. He did remain rational and obey God's instruction at the beginning not until Eve had eaten the fruit, which comes to the second reason. Adam's love for Eve is more than anything, which stems not only from his own feelings but also from what God and angels told him to. Adam let Eve work alone because of love. Moreover, Adam knows that Eve is created to be his partner and mate. That is why Adam also ate the fruit. Firstly, because he loved Eve so much that he couldn't bear leaving Eve Fall, and secondly, he could not stand being left in paradise alone. In my opinion, Adam should not be blamed for sacrificing himself for his only companion. Last but not least, if Adam only knew Eve was too naive and might make a poor judgment, he would not let her go work alone. However, Adam was not aware of the crisis which might lead to, when he accepted to let Eve separate from himself. 

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After reading Bradstreet’s work, what impresses me is the authenticity her poetry reflects on her life. Bradstreet’s poetry vividly delivers the world as a puritan in the New World, and also reflects her interior thoughts on life.


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