
It feels like forever since the last time I updated my blog.

Last year, 2020, was one of my best years since I was born into this world.

I know 2020 was hard for a lot of people, but this was the year that I don't feel like I "need" to disappear from this world anymore. It sounds absolutely ridiculous, but last November, I suddenly realized that I was actually doing better than ever and not feeling trapped with depressing thoughts for the first time since I was 9 years old. Thus, I am thankful for 2020 because my wish actually came true, the self-hatred and desperation have stopped.

Though I've been through emotional breakdowns, went to a student therapy center, moved out again last year, and lived through all kinds of shitty things that I wish I don't need to suffer from,
I'm feeling much better now.

Wanna thank all my friends for giving me support, talking to me, grab bites with me, go to the movies and do all sorts of stuff with me. I couldn't become who I am right now without anyone of you.

Even if we don't have a perfect mind, there are many more beautiful moments in life for us to mind.


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